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Taking a Gap Year was not my original plan.  In part, because of a fear of judgement by others if I did not follow the expected path into college this upcoming fall.  However, what I have since realized is two-fold: I should not rely on the judgement of my high school peers to make decisions that will affect the rest of my life and that I need to take every opportunity to enrich my life, regardless of who is watching. In short, I want to take this year for me, for my personal growth and to further my understanding of the world. 


The point of this Gap Year is to act as a bridge between the childlike dependency on my parents, school and community to a well developed sense of self reliance needed to enter college and succeed.  At the end of this journey, I hope to have become more independent, more conscientious of others, and more responsible for my actions. The more educated I am about the complex problems and communities throughout the world, the more responsible I will be for my own actions.  


When I found the KIVU program, I could not have been more excited. It incorporates everything I was looking for in a Gap Year and so much more. I will be interning in national and international locations, along with camping in Patagonia. 


Anyways, welcome to my blog, guys... It's going to be gr88888888;)

KIVU Gap Year

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